I write about this often but it seems it needs to be repeated.

Western civilization needs a moral justification for its hegemony. Initially, it used Christianity. In other words, it was acceptable to kill millions, because they were saving them from hell.

The problem was, once they conquered some lands in this way (many of which had religions that were actually inferior to Christianity), they gained a lot of wealth. With this wealth they had time to study more, and they realized Christianity was filled with contradictions.

So slowly but surely, the people stopped believing in Christianity. But they still needed a moral justification to continue dominating the people and taking their wealth. Since they were able to refine some scientific techniques with the spoils of war, they reinvented...

...their justification for dominance using science. Now, instead of bringing salvation through Christianity, they would bring salvation through science and civilization. But the underlying pattern remained the same.

This narrative was false, and the evidence for this...

...is that many medical techniques were, and continue to be taken from so-called "uncivilized" cultures. For example, aspirin was developed from slippery elm bark, which had been used by traditional healers in Europe for thousands of years. They simply extracted one...

...active ingredient (salicylic acid), put in a white pill form, and started marketing it.

Even today, an estimated 25% of Western pharmaceutical medications are derived from plants native to the Amazon rainforest, and in most cases Western researchers learned...

...about the medicinal properties of these plants by simply asking "uncivilized" tribal elders.

They developed statistical measures to reinforce the narrative of the power of their science. Instead of measuring quality of life or mental health, they measure...

...life expectancy, infectious disease rates, and infant mortality. They then proceeded to destroy the quality of life and mental health in their own nations to increase their performance in their chosen indicators, and now point their fingers at the rest of the world...

...and call them inferior for not following the same wretched path.

But now even the narrative of salvation through science is falling apart, since people are beginning to get wise to this scam. And so they are turning to "human rights" instead.

Now their dominance...

...is increasingly justified by "women's rights," "freedom of religion," and other empty buzzwords.

But this spells the doom of their empire, because these "rights," just like the science that preceded them, are very clearly a reflection of resource surpluses.

Since their rate of resource consumption is so high, these narratives will disintegrate as resources become increasingly scarce. This is the root of their obsession with space travel. Since they have now looted most of the earth, their hope is that they can maintain their...

...illusion of superiority by finding more resources in space. But travelling in space is substantially more resource intensive than travel on the earth, so this will only accelerate their demise, because they will increasingly abandon these values in pursuit of resources.

This circumstance often reminds of a hadith about the end times. It describes how Juj and Ma'juj shoot their arrows towards the heavens, and the arrows return covered with blood. They then claim to have dominated the people of earth and the people of the heavens.

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa salam) said about some of the army that will defeat al masih ad dajjal "I know their names and the names of their forefathers and the color of their horses." (Sahih Muslim)


And he said...

...that it is with a lance or spear that the dajjal will finally be defeated by 'Isa ibn Maryam (alaihi asalam).

May Allah have mercy on the mujahidin who still fight on horseback in the mountain passes where the armored vehicles of the crusaders cannot enter.

For indeed, goodness is tied to the forelocks of horses until the Day of Judgment.

It is not numerical strength or technology that bring victory, but Allah. And Allah will grant victory to those who know this reality and who live according to it.


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