Apropos of feeling really quite sad; some musings.

I was waiting until I had more info about Mr Tutz before updating you all, but so many of you have expressed anger at him, and support of me, that I felt like you, and he, deserved a tweet.
Firstly, I don’t think he’s a bad guy.

I was very emotional on Weds; a birthday filled with beautiful messages from friends I’ve not seen for months; the anxiety that naturally follows after a date with someone you like; 14 weeks of lockdown in some form or another.
Rather than graciously asking Mr Tutz, why he’d unmatched, I called him out on unmatching me without letting me know that he was no longer interested.

He responded to ask “why would I keep you on Hinge, if I’ve met you and have your number?”

Ah! Some logic! Very foolish me!
I have apologised. He has been lovely, but I expect I have broken it, with my silly behaviour. Very out of character, and frankly placing something that so many others have deserved at the wrong door.

That said, I only checked Hinge because I felt his contact pattern reduce.
So was I following an instinct, that he’s now covering up? Who knows.

He’s texted since, but significantly less so. So I feel like I’m on the slow ghost train, and I expect it’s my fault.

Does it matter? Probably not. Am I disappointed? Hugely!
Mea culpa.
The thing with online dating is that the pressure is huge and unrealistic, and we’ve nearly all been damaged or reduced by being in receipt of poor behaviour.

In real life, you don’t look at everyone you meet as a potential date/life partner/FB.
But when you do meet the person, the spark is there and away you go.

With online dating, you’re almost making an impossible transaction with every match, with every meet. Every meeting with a stranger becomes a date and therefore the probability of disappointment is high.
Once again, I don’t really know why I’m saying this, but the words will stay on your timeline for a shorter time than words in newspapers used to become fish and chip paper, so maybe it doesn’t matter why.

But maybe also just to share, with so many wonderful, supportive people.
Thank you.
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