It's been just over 3 months since all of our lives have been turned upside down. Regardless of your gender, race, socioeconomic standing, or where you live; no one has escaped the impact of the virus. I hope you have made it through healthy, happy and in an ok place. 1/9
It hasn't been easy. Many have fallen ill, lost their lives, lost jobs, missed special moments in school, sports and other activities, not been able to properly mourn the loss of your loved ones, or properly celebrate the birth of new ones. It has been hard. 2/9
I've had my moments, but I honestly can't complain. I have my and my family's health, I'm still employed, and I'm in a good place. I know many aren't, and many are struggling. If you are, please reach out to family, friends, or even someone you hardly know on Twitter. 3/9
While we are finally at a point now where we can open things up again, with some parts of normal life returning; we are far from over the crisis. Many more will get sick, and sadly many more will die. The reality is we'll be living with the virus for quite a while yet. 4/9
We must all continue to practice social distancing, and following the guidelines set out by @CMOH_Alberta, please wear masks when you are out and about and can't maintain your social distances. Most importantly, please continue to be patient and kind to one another. 5/9
While it's not always easy, try to be thankful for what you can. I continue to be thankful for the good health of my family and friends, for the work that I have, for our healthcare professionals, first responders, and anyone else that is ensuring our safety. 6/9
I am also thankful for all of you, my Twitter family. I know Twitter can be a horrible place, but to me it has been a place to be part of something, a community. I have been lucky to have had some great interactions with many of you, and for that I'm am truly grateful. 7/9
I've seen things that have made me smile and laugh, I’ve had some thought provoking conversations, and I've fortunately gotten to know some of you fairly well. I hope I've been able to make some of you smile or laugh at some point. 8/9
Now there have also been things that have made me mad, angry, and even cry, but that’s ok, that’s life. I’d rather feels something, rather than nothing. So, I thank you all for continuing to help me feel alive.

I wish all of you safety, good health, and much happiness.♥️ 9/9
You can follow @GlenMah.
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