If you live in NL: are you going to vote for our next Premier?

You only have until midnight THIS Sunday, June 28 to register to do so. (It's free and quick.)

Hesitant about registering, bc it means signing up w/the Liberal party?

I have some thoughts on that.

Maybe you don't like party politics. Maybe you do. Maybe you support another party. Maybe you're boycotting all parties.

But whatever your reason to hesitate, the fact remains:

The next leader of the NL Liberal party will become our next Premier - and soon.

Think back to Canada's last federal election. Who were the Lib & CPC party leaders? Trudeau & Scheer.

Yet -- out of over 27M eligible voters -- less than 150,000 Canadians voted in each of the most recent leadership conventions for those parties.

(3/6) https://medium.com/@breakenter/dear-canada-heres-why-you-should-join-a-political-party-26bcead2f7e5
Neither candidate running for the NL Liberal leadership currently holds an elected position - but one of them WILL become Premier in August.

I don't want that decision to be made by a small group of people. Do you?

Every single person in NL has the right to have a say.

But -- if you DON'T register with the Liberal party before midnight THIS Sunday (June 28) -- you WILL NOT be able to vote in the process that will determine our next Premier.

It's your decision. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of time for you to make it.

Think about it.

And if you're totally unfamiliar with coverage of the Liberal leadership election process so far, here are some links:

CBC Here & Now:

NTV: http://ntv.ca/2020-liberal-leadership-virtual-town-hall/

St. John's BoT: http://shorturl.at/gqsHJ 


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