Hi, Student of pharmacy here!

THREAD as ✖️and ✔️ on #Covid19

Scientific & unscientific approach towards tackling Covid19

1/n Right wing govts in India/US have anti-scientific approach & are Anti-Scholarship

This had negative effect on the COVID-19 pandemic response
✔️2.Let the experts take the lead in response:

Kerala’s govt under health ministry along with other depts formed an action group to bring a coordinated response.
Testing,contact tracing,enforcing social distancing norms etc.(3/n) https://twitter.com/ajplus/status/1275843127367143424?s=21
✔️4.Absolute transparency about the status of Covid-19:

NY Governor Cumo, held daily breifings and conveyed grim reality of COVID19. His comunication convinced people to self enforce strict lockdown which helped flatten the curve in NY.(5/n)
✖️5."No testing "is not a solution:

Delhi govt’s cap on the no of tests or trumps call for less testing is just very harmful as shown in spike in no of cases.(6/n) https://twitter.com/Laurie_Garrett/status/1275539804172804096?s=20
✔️8. Needed adaptations of sensible practices.
Wearing mask, avoiding aerosols,social distancing. Identifying effected ones and isolate them.(9/n)
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