This is, like what, Normal #17 right?

Each new normal seems to last about a couple of weeks now. The first few lasted less than a week each. The normals are lengthening but I think they’ll shorten again in Fall. Normal normals will last 2-3 days in November.

The new metanormal
Your periodic friendly reminder that the pandemic is getting worse not better, and most of the world is getting simultaneously more resigned and stupid about it. Each new normal drops societal IQ by about 3 points. With N17 now at about 89. Started at about 140.
Societal IQ is not average IQ of members but size-weighted IQ of institutions. It was pretty high pre-pandemic since institutions are by definition designed by smart people to be run by ordinary people so long as normal doesn’t change.
Eeyup. Things are bad folks. Deal with it.
Mansions get stupider much more slowly compared to other institutions
The re-opening is failing abysmally everywhere in the US. The rest of the world is not much better. The Chinese are either lying about the number of deaths, or the accumulating costs of keeping it low.
The cute shit is done. Mask porn season is done. Inspiring stories of clever hacks and adaptations fall flat now. We’re in the Valley now.
This is going to get a lot worse before it gets completely unbearable. The protests and riots weren’t taking over from the pandemic, they were the first outbreak of second-order consequences. Expect many more. There’s a second order effects case curve that needs flattening.
You’ve learned social distancing. Welcome to level 2: historical distancing. De-escalating the rate of hists by picking your battles carefully. Everything will seem more worth fighting over right now, but fighting all the fights at once is the definition of collapse.
Hobbesian conditions are not everybody vs everybody. That’s always true in some limited way. Honbesyy it am conditions = every fight being fought at the same time. Judgment day. All reckonings at once.
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