Ho Chi Minh became a Marxist-Leninist precisely BECAUSE in Paris they were the only political group addressing racism and colonialism, and he spent decades and massive resources addressing non-economic concerns of ethnic minorities so don't talk to me about class reductionism.
Lenin himself heavily prioritized bridging the gaps between agrarian peasants and metro industrial workers in his writing, which was far more than just an economic division. It was a social/identity division. So don't talk to me about class reductionism.
Rojava's biggest hurdle has been overcoming cultural sexism by their own account, and biggest internal problem RIGHT NOW (and a major reason I can't give them full-throated, unabashed support) is oppression of/conflict with Assyrians. So don't talk to me about class reductionism.
The Zapatistas have been successful in large part because they've been able to address concerns of disparate Indigenous/ethnic groups. Indigenous issues are foundational to the Zapatista platform. So don't talk to me about class reductionism.
Fidel Castro admitted later in life deep regret for the treatment of homosexuals early on in the Cuban revolution and said it was a major blunder, and this has been used as fuel to attack Cuba from the left decades later, so don't talk to me about class reductionism.
The Soviet Union had major problems with ethnic suppression of satelite nations, for example look at the way Ukraine was handled, with ethnic Ukrainian communists being supplanted by a massive influx of Russian communist colonists. So don't talk to me about class reductionism.
China is a hot mess when it comes to suppression of ethnic minorities, where to even begin? And the Chinese government has a racist obsession with dominating Vietnam. All of which undermine communism in Asia considerably. So don't talk to me about class reductionism.
I've obviously had to oversimplify all of these due to character limit. I encourage you to learn much more. I don't know of a single leftist revolution which hasn't grappled with identity politics. Intersectionalism is vital and getting it wrong is detrimental, every time.
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