We're skipping our monthly #AIEthics #TwitterChat to bring you this Police Violence bingo thread that @more_ian_moura and I created w/ data and facts to counter the alternative facts and propaganda used to justify police brutality. What did we miss? #BlackLivesMatter
“Few bad apples” The point of policing the hood is to demonstrate that the police officer dominates. That he’s the man, regardless of gender, that the officer is the boss, and that everybody else is subordinate...that message is communicated...with fear. https://www.vox.com/identities/2020/6/2/21276799/george-floyd-protest-criminal-justice-paul-butler
“Kept resisting, didn’t comply” NYPD's policy of stop-and-frisk was declared unconstitutional by a federal judge after statistics showed minorities, while making up half the city’s population, accounted for 83 percent of all such encounters with police. https://features.propublica.org/walking-while-black/jacksonville-pedestrian-violations-racial-profiling/
“Data doesn’t lie” Justice Department keeps no comprehensive database, record of police shootings allowing >17K law enforcement agencies to self-report officer-involved shootings as part of FBI’s annual data on “justifiable homicides” by law enforcement https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/09/08/how-many-police-shootings-a-year-no-one-knows/
“More training” None have been shown to have any actual impact on performance. You can raise people’s awareness about the possibility that implicit bias exists and affects them, but that’s not the same as stopping it from influencing their judgments. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-reduce-police-violence/
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