
The Ernest Obama matter: Proof that the judiciary system in #Cameroon is corrupt?

A frail looking Ernest Obama spent his first night at home yesterday, after 7 nights at a detention cell in Cameroon’s political Capital Yaoundé.
After 7 nights in detention, Ernest Obama had to appear before the prosecutor at 1 p.m. on Thursday, thereafter, he was going to be sent to Kondengui.

But that’s not what happened.
Boris Bertolt says Vision 4 CEO had sent company cars and cameramen to film the journalists’ transfer to the central prison (probably for the news).
Same source says Obama’s boss Amougou Belinga had already planned everything and knew that Ernest Obama was going to jail.
His letter to the prosecutor was an instruction, asking that he takes the pre-trial detention procedure.

According to Mr. Bertolt things did not go the way Mr. Belinga wanted, because he received pressure from the Presidency asking that he should let the journalist go.
A letter from the President of l’Anecdote group stopped all legal actions against Mr. Ernest Obama yesterday, though accused he may appear in court anytime need arises.
Mr. Amougou Belinga said that he stopped all legal actions for humanitarian reasons.
Yesterday REDHAC equally condemned “the arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of journalist Ernest OBAMA of the private television channel Vision 4,” in a Press Release.

Maitre Meli Tiakouang says yesterday was a “very bad day for the Judiciary and justice in his country! Should we still look for evidence of judicial corruption that plagues public prosecutors and disturb judges?”
Opposition leader Kah Walla tweeted “We are not even pretending anymore; A citizen, officially holder of no power, orders the arrest of another citizen and then dictates to the magistrates how the case will be pursued.”
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