
Top traders who last lead well balanced lives ☺️

If we do not take care of our needs when we are away from the markets, then our mind will act to fulfill those needs while we are in the mkt.

Think about it for a second ☺️

If we dont play or add excitement to our 'out of the mkt' life (now i can hear some mind voices - 'what is out of the mkt life? I breathe mkt 24/7 ), then those needs will be met while we are in the mkt.

This eventually leads to disaster, to say the least

Being 'out of the mkt' intentionally (not the off mkt hours ☺️) is actually a trading task.

Many ppl want to be in the mkt to avoid personal issues - like drinking to avoid facing reality. Market is not a place to rectify our personal issues.

Mkt has an uncanny way of giving immersive experience and rob us out of our money.

It is important to exercise, take a vacation (for excitement) and even taking a break during the day. But, do not take the mkt with you when you do those things.

When we start worrying about trades that we might have missed and 1000 other possibilities, then we are like a puppet on a string & the mkt is pulling our strings ☺️

Many folks go for vacations but they still carry the mkt with them mentally & they call this 'passion' 😃

If we take the mkt with us, then those parts of us that wanted the vacation or the break will disrupt our performance during those times in which we need full attention to the mkt

We are all stuck now cos of COVID19 but hope you get the point.

Long story short - consistent top traders keep their lives in balance and and their pleasurable needs are always met outside the markets 😁

Mkts are never a place of fun/hope/excitement for them. If it is, then do not get surprised with your results.

Happy trading all !!

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