thinking about how lxc is never once shown scolding lwj for talking back to ppl, even their own uncle (to be fair this is likely bc lqr is more than capable of verbally smacking lwj by himself), and what sort of implications this has about their relationship & about how lxc views
his role/responsibilities vs. lwj's - and also thinking about what this says about lxc's leading/teaching style. i think it's made pretty clear throughout the story that, despite being extremely principled & believing in the core tenets of his sect
(which includes accepting punishment for one's transgressions/failures), lxc is quite lenient/flexible, much more so than lqr & even lwj (though, lwj loosens up as he spends more time w wwx). but i think specifically the fact that he is willing to allow his little brother,
second heir to the gusu lan, to carve out his own path, a little crooked from the strictly "right" one that their uncle would prefer for lwj, speaks so much to lxc's character - esp when put next to his own behavior, which is & always has been above reproach.
he would've been within his right to expect & demand the same from lwj, but i think, lxc has known, for a long time now, that he wants lwj to live a freer life than he can. so he lets him be a little impudent. he lets him bend, sometimes break, the rules (mostly for wwx).
yes, when lwj crosses the line, lxc expects him to face the consequences/punishment for his actions. but otherwise...

he seems content to allow lwj to be his cold, sometimes rude, sometimes sassy, self,
while lxc is socially/politically/etc. perfect enough to protect both them & their sect when lwj inevitably ruffles so many feathers that his own reputation is put at stake (e.g. when lwj whisks post-resurrection wwx away from koi tower & lxc helps him hide him in his bedroom)
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