Y'all, I can't emphasise this enough:

Without the ACA, millions of people could die in this pandemic. Hospital bills for the ICU are beyond astronomical. We're talking 2 million dollars to stay alive.

#COVID testing won't be covered, so folx will go without. #CripTheVote https://twitter.com/lawrencehurley/status/1276342885147906049
It will hit poorest and disabled people (but I repeat myself) the hardest, and especially in red states without much social safety net.

They won't go to PCPs. They won't get basic care. PoC mortality rates will increase further. People will work sick even more. #CripTheVote
It's never a good time to rip healthcare away from millions of people, but especially not during a pandemic when we're one of the only nations with a rising infection and rising mortality rate.

This is Trump's ethnic cleansing. He believes in eugenics. He's said so. #CripTheVote
I know it's just one more crisis when the ship that is the US is on fire and sinking.

But this can't just slip under the radar because other things are happening.

If you believe #BlackLivesMatter then you need to fight with disability activists for the ACA. #CripTheVote
Because otherwise, anyone who isn't independently wealthy or in a high salary job with benefits, which means all but about 30% of us, are in danger of death and bankruptcy. But especially PoC.

Healthcare is racial justice. Healthcare is a human right. #CripTheVote
On a personal level, the month I lose my healthcare is the month I tidy up my loose ends, find someone to care for Doodlecat and Jellybean, and my life ends. I die. That's it.

I have about 30 days of life-sustaining medicine. Same for my husband.
So selfishly, I believe that my husband and I, two disabled trans men of colour, deserve to live.

We deserve our meds and specialist treatments. Because we're people.

If you need a face to care, here's mine. I'm a pre-existing condition. I'm disabled. I matter. #CripTheVote
Please follow people like @DisVisibility and @mattbc, who talk wisely and knowledgeably about healthcare policy and law. Take up their calls to action.

Nobody should die in the US because they're too poor to buy life and this government wants profit, not people. #CripTheVote
The ACA isn't perfect. Not by a long shot.

But for millions of Americans, MILLIONS, it's the only thing that offers any hope of life-saving care. Especially in a pandemic with infections climbing.

If it goes, people die. And all hope of something better dies, too. #CripTheVote
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