So Penn State does a study showing 8.7 million infections in March, which means lockdowns were months too late to matter.

CDC says cases 10x higher than reported, so ~24 million

Which means ~15.3M infections after lockdowns were in place. So uh, they don’t work.
The CDC’s 10x estimate puts iFR at ~0.5%, which is likely still way too high given their estimate is likely low given that it’s based on antibody surveys mostly conducted months ago. Not to mention T-cell immunity.

So yeah, seems like iFR is in the 0.26% range, if not lower
Which also ignores the gigantic age stratification. Wonder why this isn’t front page news!

The CDC seems to be about 2 months behind reality, so maybe there’s some hope that by August they’ll pull the placebo requirement
Also, the ~15.3 million infections estimate post lockdowns is also likely low

They started mid-late March. So if 6 million of the 8.7 million March infections came pre-lockdowns, that’s ~18 million

Plus the 10x is likely an underestimate. Could easily be 20-25M after lockdowns
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