1/ Since blogs are ummm, dead I am just going to make a thread of it! Let me tell you a story!

It is my mum’s birthday today. It is so funny to address her so, let me say it better. It is my amma’s birthday today, sounds a lot better.

I still remember few birthdays, very
2/ few. One of them being hers. After living with my husband, birthdays and anniversaries have very little significance but I still like wishing people, ok I digress.

One thing I constantly tell people and have heard from many is that “Your parents are too cool”, indeed, my
3/ parents are very cool.

I’ll start from the fact that my parents actually dated each other for 11 years. Eleven freaking years. Which is roughly from 1969/70-1980, they got married in 1981. I always grew up thinking everyone around, that is parents of my friends too dated
4/ each other before getting married, the child me had a shock when I learnt it wasn’t that way in every home. Arranged marriages are very unheard of in my family, it was so, it is so. If only I’d told my parents to find a groom for me they’d have done a “what is the
5/ procedure to find a groom”, I think.

My parents were always honest about this, even when I was a child I knew my parents dated before getting married. Children understand a lot, trust me I am one living example.

The next fact, this is cooler than the previous one. My dad
6/ is younger than my mum, it sounds cooler when I say “my mum dated and married someone who is almost 3 years younger than her’.

This was all in the 70s children, even now wait, we are in 2016, right? Even now I see/hear/read people debating about skewed priorities when a
7/ lady marries/dates someone way younger than her, and we are supposedly millennial and all that!

So I did not know this until I was around 18/19 one karthigai deepam or was it Krishna jayanti (I don’t remember well) but it was some festival and I was helping Amma, she very
8/ quietly starts a conversation (she hardly ever spoke much then).

Minu I have to tell you something (this is a scary starter), trust me I thought she was going to ask me about the guy I was dating then or something like that. But then, very very cutely she tells me “Appa
9/ is actually younger than me, I mean I am older than Appa.

I thought you should know” I could totally understand fully well now how much weight this information would have carried in her heart, she must’ve waited for me to reach the right age so that I don’t judge her. I
10/ don’t have a great memory but this incident is something that I’d proudly retell the coming generations of my family. How cool is my mum and how awesome is my dad?

She has even paid the term fee for his college education which he had discontinued in between.

She was
11/ earning while he finished his education and also took care of her family, which was being headed by her widowed mother.

She chose to stay with her for all practical reasons and that is how I grew up with my maternal grandmother.

She (my Amma) was earning way more than
12/ my Appa when they got married and it was so until about 3-4 years of their marriage, my dad told me this, when someone was discussing about a prospective alliance for a cousin and said ‘the girl is actually earning more than the boy, don’t know how to proceed’ and my dad
13/ said “so what?” This is what I grew up with, so what? My dad, I now know fully well is a feminist, in the true sense.

I am no “daddy’s girl”,I am more of my Amma’s ponnu, but I am very proud of the man that my dad was and still is.

My Amma hardly wears any jewelry and
14/ hardly has any materialistic needs (I kid you not, it is scary) but she wears a red stone gold ring on her left hand ring finger, I have always seen her wear that.

I know why. That was Appa’s first gift to her during their courtship. It makes me want to cry every time
15/ she talks about it.

She is one hipster who got married at 32, and had my sister when she was 33, she apparently had no clue that she was pregnant and was joyfully cycling to commute to work, she thought she’d ‘just’ gained some fat in her tummy :D

and she had me when
16/ she was 39, yes my mother n I are 4 generations apart. She never fussed about it and I never knew it was a big deal, I still think it isn’t a big deal.

She broke every rule and norm possible, to an extent where whatever we did seemed uncool or did not cut it to her level.
17/ So, basically we were boring children to very cool parents.

If you know me well, you know I never ask anyone their story of ‘how you met each other’, there are reasons,

a) after growing up with my parents every other story is mostly boring b) my parents never asked me
18/ personal questions c) they never told me their story, but I sort of know from here n there that they met in some typewriting class (guess that was their browsing center/Facebook/tinder).

I just made the reasons up but truly I think there is no cooler love story for me
19/ than theirs.

Happy birthday Amma, you are the coolest.
This picture of hers is my favourite, Appa clicked it after she finished one of the shows with AIR (she used to host one over weekends). I still have this saree with me.
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