So what's the actual truth behind this story? Why pick on Nicholson in her honorary post, when actual trustee David Willetts has a dodgy record of voting on LGBT issues? What's really going on here? Some of the truth is in The Times.
If you want to know the ACTUAL TRUTH, Baroness Emma Nicholson has been 'cancelled' because she has recently been helping women to defend their existing rights.
Her successful interventions have annoyed the trans lobby to the extent that, this week, they carried out a co-ordinated campaign with the aim of discrediting her name and having her removed from her honorary post as Vice President of the Booker Prize,
a prize which she set up with her husband. This smear campaign, spear-headed by salon-host Damian Barr and trans activist Munroe Bergdorf, resulted in the Booker Trustees (including ex MP David Willetts) issuing a hastily-written letter that removed the Baroness from her post.
Now, I don't agree with all of Nicholson's politics and beliefs. Seven years ago, she voted against same-sex marriage whereas I'd have voted for it. She is religious & a Conservative (although was a Liberal Democrat for a while) and no doubt, I'd disagree with her on quite a lot.
However, isn't it strange that no similar smear campaign has been mounted against David Willetts, who signed the letter that 'disappeared' her? Ex-MP David Willetts - an actual trustee of the Booker - who voted against equalising the age of consent
and whose voting record on LGBT and other matters is such that he was asked to resign as Chancellor of Leicester University? Why has no campaign been mounted against him? Could it be that he hasn't been standing up for women's rights recently, as Emma Nicholson has done?
Or why was there no campaign against politician Lord Kenneth Baker, who was a Booker Trustee for years and only resigned in 2018, and who was the Education Secretary who presided over Section 28 & pushed for the removal from schools of material that 'promoted homosexuality'?
Why was he not singled out by activists while he was in post for all those years? Why, instead, have they NOW picked on the 78 year old deaf and partially-sighted Emma Nicholson?
I know the reason why. Misogyny. Pure and simple. They want to discredit Nicholson in order to scupper the fight for women’s rights. Somebody has to tell the truth here.
And the rest is here below...
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