Protecting the institution of the police is not only important for local security but also for economic mobility
My dad grew up oldest of 11 kids in a poor family. For him, his siblings, and many like him there were only 2 real ways to get into the middle-class:

The military or public sector jobs, especially the police.

For Irish-Americans like him they called it Irish welfare
My dad was able to get a 2 year associates degree, join the NYPD, and move his status from the working-poor to lower middle-class and eventually middle-class in just a few years.
That process is so important for hundreds of thousands of Americans who serve their local communities in law enforcement.

They could not do that if they became counselors which often times requires a masters degree and tens-of-thousands of dollars of debt.
In most major cities in America, the police force in majority non-white. Most of them come from poor or lower middle-class households.

In most major cities there's a wait list to join the police force and launch yourself and family into the Middle Class.
Gut the police and you gut the opportunity of countless families' chance at economic security.

It's everything AOC-style Dems pretend to care about.
Republicans should care tremendously about this b/c they are the party of the family, the working-class, and the middle-class.

If we abolish the police, we abolish one of avenues of working-poor people to join the middle-class.

It's essential they make that economic point.
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