In psychology, we call this "winning together" approach Positive Interdependence. PI encourages ppl to help each other do well because the belief is that success is shared and one person's win is everyone's. Collaboration and mentoring are hallmarks of PI. +

#BTSxPsych @BTS_twt
The other two approaches are Negative Interdependence (where one person's failure means another person's success and thus cutthroat behaviors are encouraged) and No Interdependence (where one person's failure or success has no impact on another person's success). +
But also, PI has been shown to be especially crucial in constructive conflict resolution and peace-building. This is because PI encourages honest communication and trust; and feedback loops emerge which promote people caring for each other as well as for their goals. +
A former BigHit trainee, Jihoon, told a story of how Namjoon sat everyone down and encouraged them to not compete against each other (NI), which was the norm at other agencies, but to help each other as much as possible so that they could all succeed (PI). Jihoon said this was +
one of the reasons he believed BTS ended up becoming so special.

I couldn't agree more.

If you'd like more details about the theories or more links to articles, please let me know! 💜

#BTSxPsych @BTS_twt
This is actually a paper idea I had to look into how much PI might have had to do with BTS's story and success... not sure if I should go for it... 😅
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