1) “ Warlord of CHOP “

Solomon Samuel Simone “aka” Raz Simone .
Owns a 5 automatic 9mm Sig Saur and glock handguns including high capacity magazines. He has 6 automatic rifles such as AK and ARS . Including drum high capacity and armor piercing bullets . He had his gun...
2). He had his gun rights “ resorted” through a special intervention after his conviction.
Received a $82k grant from the city of Seattle to open a studio in a building he bought from another “special “ loan . He also owns a 80k Tesla , BMW and a Datsun 280ZX...
3) ... Owns multiple properties worth millions. Owns the Raz fashion line , a smoke shop and a club called “The Spot” a Black Umbrella Corporation . What’s with the clubs . Money laundering I’m thinking like Floyd . That money came through ...
4)That money came through foreign and domestic sources which I will get to in a minute. This gangster has a “ Rise & Kill all Whites” apparently was carefully cultivated by a PR team and MSM advisers such as Oliver Darcy from CNN . Yup .
It gets much worse ....
5) .... Allegedly in 2017 the Dubai government sponsored and hosted his Anti White , Anti American http://Production.At  the Sheik Zayed Mosque .
Aggravated Assault, murder rape and gang rape , sexual assault, as progressive art for , ...
6) “ Warlord of CHOP “ Cont...

“ Starving N*gg*s With Gold Teeth . Bitch N*gg*s kidnap hoes and F* c for Free is a movie/video he made is about rules. Which are . Invite victim (female) to a party, which turns into sexual assault then choked out thrown down and gang raped...
7)...Then turns into a shootout over a disagreement. Seattle Art Society says Raz Simone is and quote ,” The Master of elegant storytelling and robust vocabulary.” I’m dead serious. I’m still trying to find an article on this as I saw a quote. So right now as far as that...
8)that quote goes, take it with a grain of salt because I didnt get 💯 verification.

Now here it comes . You might want to sit down for this one . The Mayor of Seattle is the one who helped with the 82k 6 months earlier while this terroist is handing out guns from the back of..
9) ..his Tesla. Yes it’s parked inside CHOP . Look at the pictures online it’s white I believe.
This link is to an ATM machine where people lost their money because it was deposited into an unknown account which Solomon owns.
This link is to a charity...
10).charity organization linked to Solomon as well. I haven’t looked deep enough into this yet. But I did stumble upon (you need to sit for this one if you’re not already) Operation Hope (The link below ) has a $9 million partnership with The WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON FOUNDATION!

The Clinton Foundation has a lot of ties to Operation Hope around the World.


I will post as I find out more. If this is true ( evidence speaks for itself) then the F_I needs to lock all of them..
12)... America open your eyes . Democrats don’t care about you or anyone else . Just their agenda. If they did then why aren’t they calling for the arrest for these people. The “Warlord wants you drugged up and delusional. Especially if your white....
13)...Why is this man ( a black man ) front and center with the background he has? Because the Democrats are racist . Open your eyes . They want you aborting your babies, on drugs , or in jail .
The More You Know
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