In the past 3 days since sharing a story of one woman's abuse at Weta Workshop on Facebook, three separate people who've worked there in the past have messaged me sharing similar experiences of sexism, harassment and labor abuse at the studio.
While working at a subsidiary studio of the company, I personally consoled two different people who'd broken down in tears because of the conditions they were being made to work under. Weta get away with this shit because they have "prestige", because of the lie of "Wellywood".
Seems like there's a pattern here! Seems like a pattern of abusive behavior, with a culture that protects people in powerful positions who enable it! Maybe something that should be written about on a nation-wide platform!
Peter Jackson and Richard Taylor's lasting legacy in this country will be the gutting of employment protections for creative contractors, and a culture of toxicity, sexism and abuse cemented at the highest levels of power in their respective studios.
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