Massive analysis shows psychology rarely publishes work on race, and when we do it’s by predominantly White authors & White editors studying (mostly) White participants. Brilliant new work by Steven Roberts & colleagues, now out in Perspectives
Across top journals, research highlighting race has increased (to about 10% of papers) over time in social & developmental psychology; rates in cognitive psych remain very low
The vast majority of Editors-in-Chief have been White. And...white editorial boards are LESS likely to publish papers highlighting the role of race
Papers on race in *top psych journals* are mostly first-authored by White researchers. Papers by POC & White researchers equally cited so why not higher %? Maybe there just aren’t enough POC? Incorrect. MAJORITY of papers in “specialty” journal on race authored by POC.
“We propose that another explanation for this is that the psychological publication process is no less reflective of racial inequality than most of society.”
White researchers (and social psychologists) were more likely to study race by studying...white people. Authors of color (and developmental psychologists) included more POC as participants.
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