You laugh but I know a guy who tried to take the safety cap off a gas cylinder by pinching it in his legs from a stool and beating on it with a hammer and flat screwdriver
The same guy spilled hydrofluoric acid on the floor, mopped it up, and didn’t tell anyone thus creating Death Mop: The Mop That Kills You
OH YEAH the gas cylinder thing happened directly in front of our OSHA compliance person. When they screamed at him to stop he replied SHHHHHHH and continued hammering
At least half the stuff in their annual safety trainings are direct references to dumb shit this one guy pulled
He had a reactor chamber that was essentially a small sapphire dome that you flood with hydrogen and get really hot to do Scienxe Shit. One morning they came in to find that machine alarming all to hell and you could see it was getting so hot the sapphire was melting
Once the containment of the dome was breached, a bunch of hydrogen would flood out and flash, essentially making a bomb. This guy deactivated all the emergency shutdown buttons and passworded his system because he was convinced the janitors were sabotaging his experiments
Guy wouldn’t answer his phone so they had to evacuate the lab until almost noon when his lazy ass rolled in and shit it down like it was no big deal
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