When I started my research on the political economy of autism, I had already heard all of the slurs: "Those anti-vaxxers are tin foil hat wearing, flat earth, conspiracy theorists!" In doing a Ph.D. you have to use original sources. So I went & interviewed 100s of "those people."
And I discovered that none of the slurs were true. "Those people" were perfectly reasonable, about my same age, smart, kind, professional, earnest, well-informed, and years ahead of the mainstream medical profession in understanding what had happened to their kid. 2/
Literally the only difference between "them" & me was that they had gone to a "well baby" visit that had gone terribly terribly wrong & were now living with the aftermath... of caring for a child who was badly injured, possibly for life. It was an eye opening discovery for me. 3/
I had been a true believer. I believed in the CDC, believed in Democratic elected officials, & had read the @NYTimes religiously every morning for 30 years. & literally NOTHING that the CDC, Dem elected officials, & the NY Times were saying about "those anti-vaxxers" was true. 4/
That's why you do a Ph.D. That's why Ph.D. programs require one to rely on original sources. And I realized that the CDC, Dem elected officials, & mainstream reporters had never bothered to do the basic step that I did of actually sitting down & talking with these parents. 5/
Now of course I use the proper term: "warrior moms & dads." You all are the most courageous, inspiring, dedicated, selfless, amazing human beings I have ever met. I'm honored to fight alongside you. Together we will stop the epidemics, find healing, & achieve justice. 6/6
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