I cannot watch any more Black and Brown people being murdered. I literally cannot. My timeline and the news seem to be an endless cycle of murders - each one hitting harder than the one before. The cumulative trauma is overwhelming. I will not watch and I will not post. 1/
Each time I see the next dead Black man, woman, or child I think about the pain that beloved person's family is experiencing. I cannot imagine having to see my son or daughter being murdered on video over and over again. 2/
I had to watch a video of my brother being murdered. I was not forced but it was my responsibility to view it on behalf of my family. The courtroom needed to see my pain to value him. I could not allow my parents and family to watch. I will never recover from the trauma. 3/
I share this because I think part of America is desensitized to the horror of these murders. I understand that showing the horror raises awareness and helps to demonstrate the atrocities that continued to be committed against Black and Brown people in the United States. 4/
Keep in mind that these videos are an ongoing source of trauma for Black and Brown people. In each video, I see my son, my daughter, my mother, my loved one. It takes me to my knees on most days. I have to turn them off because the depth of my sorrow is too. 5/
I cannot even begin to fathom the pain that their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and other loved ones are feeling. Imagine the grief that George Floyd's daughter will experience when she one day watches her Daddy be murdered on video. 6/
Of course, the videos must be made or there will be no justice. The hope is that people will see the horrifying reality of racism. They will feel the pain in their soul and say no more. Has that day come yet? My aching heart says we have a long road left to travel. 7/
This post is not about me or my sorrow. I have loved ones who hold me up. I want you to take action WITH me to bring an end to racism. I appreciate the messages of solidarity from folx, but they do not end the abuses of my people. We must unequivocally demand justice. 8/
We cannot stop here. We cannot fall back into silence. We must keep moving forward and demand justice and equity. No more murders. No more excuses. No more abuse. No more humans in cages. This must be our work for every day until it is no longer required of us. 9/
I have loved Nina Simone since I was a little girl. I remember hearing her say “I'll tell you what Freedom is to me. No fear.” That confused me as a child. I did not understand it. I do now. I am tired of waking up wet and crying from yet another nightmare that might come true.
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