When I say I desire a relationship, I don’t say it out of loneliness or desperation.

I’m not unwanted, and if you’re single, neither are you.

I just refuse to settle for something the Lord isn’t leading 100%.

Opportunities are there, but not every opportunity is God-ordained.
The prayer in time of singleness is for wisdom, direction, & ways to actively keep a guarded heart. I know in my singleness, I’ve had people show interest and where I thought about going for it, the Holy Spirit told me to hit the brakes!

And it was ALWAYS with good reason.
We are called to be wise and seek the Lord on all matters, especially when it comes to the area of considering a LIFE PARTNER.

You aren’t unwanted, so don’t let the enemy tell you that lie. He uses it to invoke a feeling of loneliness and, as a result, standards begin to fall.
Whenever compromise enters your thought process, it’s not of the Lord.
He will never tell you to honor Him any less.

The enemy will sneak in the opportunity any way he can and even use you at your most vulnerable point so I encourage you to stay guarded by the Lord’s standards.
If you recognize you desire a relationship with a person more than strengthening your relationship with God, be careful.

That is a straight up target for the enemy, and he will use anything to distract you from a closer walk with God.
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