No idea when we truly clear $3150s area in $SPX, but when we actually do, we are at all time highs in a week or two. Sure we can go lower, but not much imo. $500 bil on the Fed’s balance sheet took us up 500 SPX from Oct-Feb, in the same time rates cut by .5....
...Now, we have 3 TRILLION added to the balance sheet and rates cut by 1.5% more. If economy was/goes back to normal, were literally minimum at 5,000 SPX in time. Not a super long time, like a year or two max. Really that simple. Fed not raising rates until end of 2022...
...They’re going to let everything mature off the balance sheet naturally. You have 3 years of the most epic bull market ever until 2023. Don’t mess it up cause you don’t understand stuff. Covid will be done before everyone thinks. Economy back to full faster too. My 2 cents.
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