What a bunch of entitled nonsense. Unless you have room in your heart for the pain of men and boys how dare you expect them to make room for yours. https://twitter.com/honeychild1229/status/969797840015798273
"Sweet boys" will grow up to face the reality that girls can violate their sexual boundaries at will and laugh at their protests, that girls are allowed to hit them but they must not hit back, that girls must have a role but boys must have none.
"Sweet boys" will be forced to maintain the illusion of women's greater morality. "Sweet boys" will learn to lie to themselves until they are hit or raped one time too many or they are abandoned by a woman.
Then "sweet boys" will start to vomit up all the lies and betrayal.
Most "sweet boys" will simply kill themselves. But some will be so blinded by the sudden release of every violation by women they've been forced to swallow and they will beat the shit out of the woman in front of them or they will shoot her dead in a parking lot.
Don't give me "sweet boys" give me sour boys ones who call women out, set boundaries, let women suffer their own folly, recognize women's evil as WOMEN's evil, not their failure to ignore/absorb/contain/manage it. Give me sour boys that won't shut up about women's moral failings
At the very least a sour boy won't kill you in a fit of rage over all the shit he's had to swallow with a smile.
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