It has been clear for some time that in many, many parts of the country, school is not coming back full time in the fall. There are very few "plans" to report concretely on, but staggered schedules with continued remote learning looks likely to be the norm.
I'm saying this because I am seeing so much shock and outrage from parents. But much of what we reported back in April remains true. There is no clear pathway back to reopening full time while following federal health guidelines.
In some regions of the country, state officials will allow districts to reopen without strictly following the guidance for distancing, masking and sanitation. In all regions, I expect that school attendance will *not* be compulsory, meaning you can choose to keep your kid home.
For those states/districts that aspire to follow CDC guidelines even roughly, the reality is pretty clear: They must reduce the number of students in the building at any given time by about one-third to one-half.
We will debate whether the guidance on children is too lax or too strict. Important to note that different age groups of kids experience and transmit the virus differently. And many teachers are scared to return to work, where they interact with other adults, not just kids.
When South Korea chose to close schools after an initial reopening, important to note that the virus resurgence appeared linked to workplaces such as a warehouse, not to schools themselves.
Going to bed for now. We are something like 4-6 weeks away from a very clear picture of the American K-12 system in September. But if you've been holding out hope for "back to normal".....I'm sorry.
Lots of people sharing state guidance. Yes, those docs are out there. The rubber will meet the road at district level. Superintendents are feeling this weight *heavily* right now.

They have physical, emotional, academic and economic wellness riding on their decisions.
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