Listening to Sgt. Anna Hedberg talk about residents of Minneapolis as sex offenders and drug users has brought up some shit for me.
I went to a private, religious high school in the suburbs. I don't talk about it a lot because it was really difficult.

It made me into the complicated person that I am and for that I am grateful, but it also exposed me to a certain type of person.
My school were serious about the Christian faith

We did things like scripture study and service projects.

Acts of service are central to practicing Christianity. Volunteering, donating and participating in missions are common.
On our way to one of these volunteering events, my classmate remarked that she was worried about the location.

"Aren't you worried about getting shot?"

It was a charity on Lake St, a mile from my home. The fear in her voice wasn't as disgusting as the total disdain for us.
This person thought that my home was not safe.

That my neighbors weren't worth helping.

That serving my community wasn't worth the risk.

She would rather pack meals somewhere else and not have to see the communities that those meals were going to.
I can hear my classmate in Sgt Hedberg.

The people of Minneapolis are dangerous, immoral addicts.
We don't deserve her empathy, we can only be contained, not redeemed.
Don't bring your kids around here, we might rub off on her "beautiful, little girls."
These are the same people. The people that claim to know justice but won't do the work.

Instead of reaching out to help they isolate.

Instead of preventing they react.

Instead of joining in community they insult and other us.
We're not your mission trip.
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