Your Zodiac sign is not, actually, just based on what you see in your horoscope. That is just your Sun Sign.

Your astrology is based on the alignment of the planets at the time (up to the hour) you were born.

Here's a guide to what does your zodiac chart means; (1/n)
Sun Sign - This is your overall persona, your identity;
Moon Sign - This is your emotional persona. Normally, you are the only one who knows about this persona as ppl tend to keep their emotions to themselves;
Rising Sign - This is the mask you show to others, your personality that you let others see;
Mercury Sign - This is your persona when you communicate;
Venus Sign - This is your persona for love (So, if you're looking for compatibility, you gotta look for your venus sign; (3/n)
Mars Sign - This is your assertion sign, this is your personality during sex, when you are angry, and when you assert yourself;
Jupiter Sign - A social sign focusing on your Philosophy in life;
Saturn Sign - Another social sign but focuses on restrictions, self-discipline; (4/n)
Uranus sign - generational sign as this changes in 7 years. This is a sign of progress and how a generation come through a responsibility;
Neptune sign - Also a generational sign but changes in 14 years. A sign of dreams and imagination; (5/n)
Pluto Sign - Another generational sign but changes every 30 years. A sign of power, intensity and obsession.

Your zodiac chart will also show you the house placement of your astrological signs, this explains your priorities in life.

daz all folks!
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