I've seen us with everything. Every cup we could possibly win I've seen us win. Everything. And every time we've won I've been in the city.
I know most of you couldn't give a flying fuck about football but I'll give it a go and try and explain why this matters to me.
I got into the reds because my dad took me when I was a kid. We used to go to Anfield, listen on the radio, and watch Match Of The Day together before he died. LFC is a link to him for me. It's the thing that we shared together.
After he died I became a teenager and realised that all the boys also liked LFC and football generally. I played in the school team and the local teams and went to matches with them. I found it hard to talk to men because I never came of age with a man in my life except my grampa
So football became my thing I bonded with men over initially as a teenager. I did everything football; i played and watched and us, as teenagers, opened up to each other whilst doing this shared thing. Also found out how to banter with other lads.
As I got older and delved into Liverpools history I discoverd the two greatest influences on my life outside of my family: Bill Shankly and Anne Williams.
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