i really hope jenna marbles comes back. when she’s ready of course. but in a world where people pretend to give a fuck in order to gain profit, she’s never made an apology to save face or protect business.

she’s always meant it. every single time. and that’s indisputable.
accountability is important and i, in my several years of supporting her, have never ONCE seen her apologize and revert back to past behavior.

accountability isn’t simply addressing shit so everyone is at peace, it’s becoming better based on correction.

she’s done that.
i cannot stress enough that as a fan with many of the intersections that she could have possibly offended, i have never had to overlook her past to enjoy her content. that says so much and is worth noting.

her platform has felt like a safe place.
the youtubers with the most power do not speak up for marginalized people.

jenna does.

they do not use gender inclusive pronouns when addressing fans.

jenna does.

they do not go the extra mile to make sure people feel welcome.

jenna does.
i’m sorry to rant, and i don’t know her personally, but from what i have seen & what she’s presented us, she has always had the best intentions and, at the very least, owned her shit.

influencers like her are an anomaly.

that behavior is INCREDIBLY important.
i want us all to uplift people like Jenna.

fuck it, Jenna *specifically*.

for holding herself to a higher standard and actually maintaining it.

for being humble and open minded enough to learn.

those aren’t the people you should run off of platforms.
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