Non Black people, for just a second I am begging you to put aside the stan culture you call a personality for just a second and think about this. Think about all the Black kids who did not get to enjoy youtube as freely as you. Everywhere we turned we were targeted.
You do not get to accept an apology on our behalf or scream "cancel culture!", you absolutely do not.
I hate to say it cause it shouldn't take this, but put yourself in our shoes. If you are a sexual assault survivor, if you are POC, if you are disabled, etc; if Jenna would've made a video mocking that, would you want someone speaking over you? Accepting her apology?-
-Calling you a bully for being upset? If you were the focus of her negative attentions in that video, wouldn't you be happy that she's taking accountability and making things right?
I'm so separated from yt culture, and I think that's the same for a lot of other Black people. A lot of these yt figureheads are white creators who make content for white fans and more often than not have super racist backgrounds.
Y'all weirdos gave oniisan, trisha patyas, jeffere star, shan dawson, pewdiepie, ninja, etc a paltform. They are a reflection of ya'll and it shows in how hard you fight for their rights to not be "cancelled" or "silly mistakes" like racism and blackface
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