While Trump and his supporters are chuckling about “Kung Flu” and GOP members of Congress sheepishly avoid condemning that slur, maybe we should be reminded of how Asian voters could change the 2020 election.

They’re the fastest growing group in the electorate.
The red states that have the highest percentage of Asian Americans in the electorate are:


Coincidentally, all four of these states have US Senate elections in November.
In the House, these are the Districts held by GOP that have the highest percentage of Asian residents:

TX-22 (19.24%)
TX-03 (15.68%)
TX-24 (14.18%)
GA-07 (14.14%)
PA-13 (9.95%)
CA-42 (9.61%)
TX-02 (7.98%)
TX-26 (7.78%)
CA-22 (7.63%)
PA-01 (7.33%)
AK-AL (6.68%)
TX-10 (6.36%)
Also, there are four states that have a combined 75 electoral votes in which the percentage of Asian American citizens of voting age is greater than the margin by which Trump won the states in 2016.

Michigan (16 EVs)
Trump 2016 Margin: 0.23%
AA % of electorate: 2.05%
States where Asian American % of electorate is larger than Trump’s 2016 margin (continued):

Pennsylvania (20 EVs)
Trump 2016 Margin: 0.72%
AA % of electorate: 2.38%

Wisconsin (10 EVs)
Trump 2016 Margin: 0.77%
AA % of electorate: 1.88%
States where Asian American % of electorate is larger than Trump’s 2016 margin (continued):

Florida (29 EVs)
Trump 2016 Margin: 1.20%
AA % of electorate: 2.28%
On top of that, there are another two states, worth a combined 26 electoral votes, in which Asian American citizens make up more than half of the margin by which Trump won the state in 2016:

Trump 2016 Margin: 3.55%
AA % of electorate: 2.61%
States in which the Asian American percentage of the electorate is more than half of the margin by which Trump won the state in 2016 (continued):

Trump 2016 Margin: 5.13%
AA % of electorate: 2.75%
Asian Americans as a group walked away from the GOP in just the last generation.

In 1992, voted GOP 55%/31%
In 1996, voted GOP 48%/43%
In 2000, voted Dem 55%/41%
In 2004, voted Dem 56%/44%
In 2008, voted Dem 62%/35%
In 2012, voted Dem 73%/26%
In 2016, voted Dem 65%/29%
(And all of this was before the leader of the Republican Party was publicly directing ethnic slurs toward them for a few chuckles from his rabid fan base).
In 2018, the majority of every subgroup of Asian American voters except for Filipinos and Vietnamese had a net unfavorable view of the Republican Party.

Major pollsters have failed to even include “Asian” as a race category in most polls today.
The next few months will reveal what their opinions are today.

But it is entirely possible that while Trump jokes about “Kung Flu” today, Asian American voters might help Joe Biden to be the one who’s laughing on the night of November 3rd.
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