#Footballindex clearly in a peculiar transitional period, the ME isn’t working very well at the moment, it ties up loads of money, few buys going through at full price, everyone wants a bargain, offers are low and unattractive, the market is stalling

What’s next then? Fuck IPOs
Clarity, we need clarity about the future, the removal of IS was sneaky to say the least, we now need to know whats happening next, some huge factors affecting our bets are up in the air, any of these massively affects players prices

PB Matrix
MB Criteria
Dividends review
These should be priorities for FI, we want to know what the plans are and hear about them, don’t want self praising for the launch of (a basic and bugged) ME, don’t need a short term fix such as a DB/promo, been on the platform almost 3 yrs, never seen the market so deflated
I personally just cancelled all my bids, temporarily sitting out until I see and understand what I’m betting on, can’t take blind punts, need to know well in advance what the rules are going to be

Here hoping FI understand the importance of it, the new season is only weeks away
FI has so far always found a way to boost things up, pretty sure they will do so again however at this stage you would really expect more understanding of the market drivers and it’s dynamics, should be more proactive, we need to know the rules and how long will the be valid for
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