There is A LOT I want to say right now about Jenna Marbles.

As someone who watched her actively since 2010. I've seen her grow and learn as a person. Watched her learn and grow from her past and become a better person and educate others.
The fact in the last bit of her video she addressed something that people were even bringing up to her should speak volumes about her as a person. I hope her time away from YouTube will give her better mental health and clarity.
Jenna has always shown she just wanted to make people happy when times were rough. And turned down sponsors that didn't align with her views. Always donated to various charities over the years and most current BLM.
Jenna has always proven that she is what we want from people. We want them to acknowledge what they have done and why it was bad. And to learn and grow from those mistakes and never repeat them and educate others so they wont do it.

That's what we should want from humans.
We cant expect people to change and grow whole still condemning them for their past mistakes. How does that help with them growing as a person? Especially when they acknowledge what they done was wrong and have been doing things to change.
Jenna wasnt a repeat offender. She wasnt a person who just did apologies for a PR stunt. She never have half assed apologies. She never said "I'm sorry you got offended but..."

You could always tell by her body language her message was true and genuine.
Thank you Jenna for always be a good person. I shouldn't have to thank you for being a good person, but here we are.

Thank you for the laughed you've given me in since college and in dark times.

Please rest up and enjoy your time away from YouTube. You deserve it.
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