Let's have a little chat about all the racist Republicans moving to Parler.

Do any of you know of Liveleak? They're what happened when all the racists from YouTube got removed for being, well, racist.

It's pretty much now just a fansite for bigotry. And more importantly...

/2 it is completely irrelevant! Turns out all the advertisers on the site were threatening to bail because of, ya know, racism, that the admins had to remove the commenting feature. Parler is going to run into the same issues almost immediately because...
/3 these people are just the worst. Republican politicians have no idea how bad their voter base is. They think there are millions of Ben Shapiros but in reality it's millions of Larry the Cable Guy. Remove everyone else but them from a platform and you are left with Stormfront.
4/ Twitter will still have a large right-wing presence because of the trolls and bots but the overall experience will greatly improve. It's a win-win. They get their own fascist clubhouse and we get to watch them willingly lessen their own influence in public discourse.
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