so obviously we all know by now that "tsuki" means "moon." furudate likes to remind us of that often.

ive thought of something that made me fully understand why exactly furudate made this point so important

here's my tsukishima analysis.
yes, i could be over thinking this, im well aware. however, i think this is something that maybe would make people appreciate tsukki more.

i find it fascinating and kind of heartbreaking. this isnt just a thread about his name, its why they chose to mention it often. (symbolism)
so ig to start off, id like to point out the relationship between hinata and tsukishima; sun and moon

the sun and the moon are polar opposites when it comes to their purpose. the sun shines in the day, while the moon shines at night. of course, it isn't entirely different
considering the fact that they both give light

but allow me to talk about the moonlight for a second. as u may know, the moon gets its light from the suns light. its reflective

thinking about it this way, its almost as if the moon is only "for show" since the sun gives it light
many people believe that the moon simply "sets" when the day finally begins but in reality, its always still there, its just outshone by the sun. the moon never disappears its just.. forgotten, almost

this is vaguely mentioned in haikyuu, but its told by tsukishima, like this:
now, actually referring back to tsukki, he believes how he plays is nothing in comparison to hinata's own natural talent. tsukki thinks hinata outshines him in all ways possible, much like the sun and moon's relationship i mentioned earlier.
this was also back when tsukishima didnt think of volleyball as something he can enjoy, instead, it was simply just a club to him (aka before his full character development). hinata basically thinks the complete opposite of him
so why exactly is the moonlight so important and why does furudate often mention it during the training camp arc?

well to start, we all know by now that the training camp in s2 was very important to all the characters. thats when they had the most development and grew stronger.
tsukishima's is especially important and memorable.

spiritually, the moonlight is meant to represent one's innermost self. its said that a person truly discovers themselves under the moonlight. this is very important (next 2 tweets :3)
i love this next scene so much

as u can see, yamaguchi wanted to confront tsukki and tell him exactly how he felt about volleyball and ask why tsukki doesn't try hard enough since yams has always been jealous of him. (cont.)
as u can see, during that part, it was dark.

however, when yamaguchi was finished, the moonlight started to show.

that's exactly the part where tsukki calms down and realizes what yamaguchi is talking about.
it leaves off with tsukki going to ask akaashi, bokuto and kuroo about volleyball

thats when his character development first began.. under the moonlight

he began to think about what asahi (he also talked to tsukki about how he felt with hinata wanting to compete and be the ace)
and yamaguchi were talking about. he slowly started to think about volleyball and what it meant to him/what he wanted to do

the moonlight showed his realization and how he began to find himself, in a way.
i find it so interesting how this all worked out so well. especially how the moon coming out of the clouds was shown specifically during this scene.

it's so perfect... i love tsukishima's development and symbolism so much
i really hope this made sense... and i hope u guys enjoyed reading it as much as i had fun making it ! 😁

pls let me know what u think of this thread đŸ„ș
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