🧵With over 3,000 new cases of #COVID per day, and a population of 7.2 million, #Arizona leads the U.S. in new cases per million.

#Arizona Gov. @dougducey will have a press conference on #COVID19

16 questions need to be addressed
You can apply these to any state.
Q1: @dougducey, why did you ignore the medical community and permit an unmasked indoor rally for president Trump where 3,000 people were shoulder-to-shoulder spreading #COVID? https://twitter.com/Cleavon_MD/status/1275549702721683456?s=20
Q2: @dougducey, how do you intend to contact trace +covid cases from the unmasked indoor rally for president Trump where 3,000 people were shoulder-to-shoulder spreading #COVID, where 2 secret service agents ALREADY tested positive for COVID? https://twitter.com/Cleavon_MD/status/1275838660416425984?s=20
Q3: @dougducey, 1000s of essential workers have died from #COVID19 nationwide, yet #Arizona has failed to mandate masks statewide for businesses which endangers workers who do not have the luxury of not going to work. Can you share your thoughts? https://aflcio.org/covid-19/memoriam
Q7: @dougducey, over 600 healthcare workers have died from #COVID nationwide, more cases of COVID means more exposure to healthcare workers, what steps are taking to ensure healthcare workers are protected during the pandemic? http://www.cleavonmd.com/coviddeaths 
Q9: @dougducey how many days of PPE (N95 masks, surgical masks, gowns) does Arizona have?
Q10: @dougducey, why has #Arizona failed to limit gathering size despite leading the country in new cases per million?
Q11: @dougducey, there are currently 40,318 inmates in Arizona prisons, yet only 3,024 have been tested for COVID, what is being done to protect inmates and correctional officers and increase testing? Are inmates wearing masks? How often are you testing?
Q13: @dougducey, there are only ⚠️198 ICU beds left in the entire state today, how will hospitals safely manage other acute emergencies like new strokes, heart attacks, head bleeds and traumas?
Q14: @dougducey, there are currently 1,495 ICU beds occupied, ICU Nursing ratios are usually 1 nurse to 2 patients - what is the current nursing ratio? how are nurses being protected?
Q15: @dougducey, COVID-19 spreads throughout facilities quickly, what is the nosocomial (hospital-acquired) rate in Arizona? In other words, how many patients were admitted to the hospital for say, a kidney infection or knee replacement and ended up acquiring COVID19?
Q16: @dougducey, New York State has an online document which lists COVID-related deaths among nursing homes and acute care facilities within the state, when can #Arizonans expect to see a similar document, updated daily so they can protect their loved ones? https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/diseases/covid-19/fatalities_nursing_home_acf.pdf
the end/
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