OK, I've been asked by a few folks to redo the thread on same-sex relationships in the Bible so that it's easier to follow b/c 2017 Twitter threads were weird.

So here we go! Same-sex relationships in the Bible! Same classic taste, exciting new packaging.

"Bible" of course means my Bible, the Hebrew Bible, but really I'll focus on Torah, the 5 books of Moses.

We're going to look at two main sources, and then do some broader overview stuff.

So! Let us begin. Sodom.
Lot & his peeps are visiting, bad guys want to rape them.

Is the sin of Sodom sodomy, though?

Yes, that's where sodomy got its name. But no, it's not the sin if you read the damn text in Biblical context.

We're in Genesis 19. https://www.sefaria.org/Genesis.19?lang=bi&aliyot=0
Verses 4-6 at the link above.

First of all, what the bad guys wanted was rape and domination--not a loving, engaged, respectful, consensual connection.
Second, it's clearly a violation of notions of hospitality. "don't do anything to these men, they have come under protection of my roof."
Go to Judges 19. There's a parallel story--like actually parallel, clearly and intentionally using the same language, though TW it's awful-- where the rape does happen, and the person raped is a woman--and it's clearly a horrific sin. https://www.sefaria.org/Judges.19?lang=bi
The sin is assaulting guests, we don't do that. The gender of the guest isn't the q.

Read Judges 19 next to the Sodom story and you'll see that they were written intentionally to echo each other. I'll leave it to the Biblical scholars viz which was first or etc.
Another Biblical text--the book of Ezekiel--makes it clear what the sin was.

"Only this was the sin of your sister Sodom: arrogance! She and her daughters had plenty of bread and untroubled tranquillity; yet she did not support the poor and the needy." https://www.sefaria.org/Ezekiel.16.49?ven=Tanakh:_The_Holy_Scriptures,_published_by_JPS&lang=bi
Why was Sodom destroyed?

Exploitation. Lack of hospitality. Lack of care for the vulnerable.

Had nothing to do with the specifics of what people did or wanted to do in bed (except that it wasn't consensual.)
So, OK. Sin of Sodom isn't sodomy, despite how the people who invented that word may have misread that text. What about Leviticus?

Do not lie with a man the lyings of a woman; it is abhorrent. (Leviticus 18:22) (also see 20:13). There are a few readings of this.
One is that what's being forbidden is, again, rape & domination, given Holiness Code context forbidding eg incest, or cues from Sodom.

Also some suggest it's a way of applying all the anti-incest stuff in the Holiness Code to male relatives.
OR it could be problematic bc associated w/idolatry. Some have theorized that male-male sex happened in Canaanite temple cults.

In which case connecting that verse with not sacrificing your kids to Moloch makes a bit more sense.
That's how the Rabbis sometimes read it.

"Bar Kappara said to Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, 'What is the meaning of the word to’eva [abomination]? To’e ata bah [you will go astray because of it]" Talmud Nedarim 51a
Which made sense in their world, when homosexuality and Greco-Roman culture were so intertwined--the things that happened at the bathhouse to Aphrodite and etc.
Another Rabbinic read:

Said Raba, Bar Hamduri explained to me as follows: “Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman [lit. the lyings of a woman]” -- Who is a male who has two “lyings?” Conclude: this is an androginus. (Talmud Yevamot 83b)
AKA here they read Leviticus as saying don't have vaginal sex with an intersex person. Which, OK, isn't very intersex-folks affirming, but is a MUCH narrower way to understand the verse. And yes, it's an exegetical choice, but y'all, we all make choices when we read. You, too.
If you think the verse in Leviticus is clear, that's only because you're bringing your own assumptions and baggage with it, or you're reading a VERY bad translation. As you can see above, the meaning is far from straightforward.
Some Jews who embrace Jewish law--which ultimately did read Leviticus as about homosexuality--say, OK, so no anal sex, but other stuff yes.

(Note that if two people of whatever gender are together, what they decide to do & not do in bed is their own damn business.)
All this to say, there are LOTS of ways to read these Biblical texts that affirm & celebrate loving partnerships of all gender combos.

Also, you will note that lesbianism is nowhere in this thread. Why? BECAUSE IT'S ABSENT FROM THE BIBLE! (Sorry, Ruth/Naomi shippers)
(Sorry, I'll buy the argument about David and Jonathan-"Your love to me was more wonderful than the love of women.”--but Ruth and Naomi always felt like a stretch.)

ANYWAY. Female homosexuality isn't in the Bible.
And this! Click into the tweet to see the text pic. https://twitter.com/TheRaDR/status/1138774051088982018
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