Quin Snyder just spoke to the assembled media via Zoom, mostly on his duties with the Coaches Committee on Racial Injustice and Reform.

The quote that stood out to me most: "The road from complacency to complicity is a slippery slope."
Snyder on Donovan Mitchell's IG post/comments on it: "There were some comments that were abominable and things that we all should never tolerate. To the extent you can rationalize some of those negative comments by saying there were positive comments, I think that's a mistake."
Snyder on Mitchell's IG post/comments, cont. "It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. As long as those comments are there, there is work to be done. That he made some other people and some of us uncomfortable, I think that's a good thing."
Snyder said he took his young family to Juneteenth celebrations. "I wanted them to be a part of that; to hear the speakers, to march with people. We did that as a group. ... I think they understand generally the importance of people being treated justly throughout our society."
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