You apply to jobs and/or reach out to your networks for referrals.

Towards the end of UWI, I fixed my resume and wrote a lovely email to my contacts. One called to say someone had an opening. Worked for two months as an Admin Assistant at Insurance Company of Jamaica.
At the beginning of the second month, a contact called me to see if I was still interested in journalism as I told them in high school. I had to do an interview to determine my suitability. Went to Gleaner in July and worked as a Junior Reporter.
I got bored of writing three stories every day. Told folks I was ready to leave. Contact at OCA sent my resume to someone at MOH and I was called for an interview. Started at VPA Jamaica in January 2008. All other opportunities were the same. My Track record opened doors for me.
In 2009, I got two jobs Comms Officer at JN and ED at Teens for Technology. A friend told me to apply for the former and I was successful. The latter I met the folks on Facebook because of my involvement in tech stuff. They were expanding and reached out to me (or supm like that)
I didn’t take up either position because I got the Chevening Scholarship and seemed it unprofessional to start and leave in a couple months. Also got the ESL Teaching opportunity to go to France but turned it down as well.
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