In a beautiful woman's universe, weaklings aren't acknowledged. They don't exist.

Everyone around her is handsome, rich, famous or all of the above

Game makes the difference

But before game starts to matter

There are others assets that men must display

Imagine a 9

She's on the market since she was 18

She's got at least a few thousand men following her on INSTAGRAM

She follows 200 of them

Because she's got options, she chooses to follow only the TOP TIER MEN

She doesn't even reply to average one's

Why would she?
Because all the pictures and stories she sees on IG are displaying men living the good life

She's "brainwashed" with the

- interiors of Benzes
- dishes from the best restaurants
- champagne in fancy clubs
- men with abs of steel
- designers items and exotic vacations
Therfore, her brain is wired to ignore everything that isn't from this type of lifestyle

Society, life, designed her to be this way

Because of her beauty, he friends are also 8's and 9's

They fuck bosses

So her standards are extremely high

Her reputation is on the line
At dinner tables, her friends talk about their men. Brag about their acomplishments.

She can't disspoint and come up with some loser

She doesn't even know legit cucks

A loser in her universe may be a successful lawyer, a brilliant surgeon

Even "losers" are high level
So for a normal guy to end up knowing a legit 9

He must upgrade himself until he can compete with the men at the top

Working on your game matters when you're at the same table with 9's

Money, reputation, strong IG, friends

Get all this and you'll have the chance to speak
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