I've been saying that I think La Mesa, California is a microcosm of what has been going on in towns around the United States: white supremacists, anti-vaxxers, "population control" maniacs, and other disinfo pushers have coagulated into loose groups advocating for militias.
This just crossed my radar. It's one of the myriad "Defense" groups that has sprung up in the last month all over the place. This is no different:
What's different in this case is that they left this group public, so anyone can go in there and just poke around.
Which brings me to THIS fuckin' guy:

He's now trying -- along with Scott McMillan and Naomi Israel, among others -- to organize militias in San Diego, a region riddled with unexamined white supremacist problems.

Here's Scott McMillan: http://archive.is/CEiiq 
People like this seem to be "magically" finding one another on Facebook right now, all over the United States, with only their steady diets of corrosive disinformation to bind them together -- but with common goals.

And that's the kind of shit that @Facebook is allowing.
Not just allowing -- this is a pattern. It's how liberal democracies have gotten so fucked.

Now I ask you: Is this -- pushed and prodded along the garden path by invisible algorithms until it turns into chaos -- what you would consider free speech?
By the way, I've been on this for months. Do you really think these people are doing this at the same time, all across the country, just their own? https://twitter.com/brooklynmarie/status/1251610680630759424
Oh and also: OANN is local to San Diego; Calexit was local to San Diego; Kremlin-friendly white supremacist groups have operated border militias in San Diego since the 1970s and have a visible presence in the region still -- now more than ever amid #BlackLivesMatter protests.
Just saying this shit's a fucking problem and I wish that more local reporters would dig into it.
But not just in San Diego. Everywhere. Everywhere you're hearing stories about imaginary "antifa uprisings" or "BLM thugs rioting" and "real Americans" standing up to them. Everywhere you've seen anti-lockdown protests since April. It's all inauthentically organized. Call it out!
See how it works and how they play the public discourse?
So stop falling for this stupid "spectacle" shit. Roger Stone and his acolytes have been playing the national media like this for forty years. When will everyone catch on?

And that is what I mean by "inauthentic organizing" or "astroturfing." It's grift all the way down.
Oh and finally, local news reporters, get your shit together. Stop referring to creeps like Ogden as mere "concerned residents." He is a pest, a gadfly, a known white supremacist, and an all-around asshole who has been trying to spark racial violence for years.
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