Two interesting articles digged up thanks to @dasani2005 from the old, old archives.
They are from late '90s, but it's interesting to see how much (or how little) things changed.
"To Be an Ordinary Hero:
Male Figure Skaters and the Ideology of Gender"
The can of warms of sport as an expression of toxic masculinity in western realms.
And ISU and Western Federations (and athletes too, sometimes) approach to create a very distinct separation between what's desired in "men" and "ladies" skating.

(Oh, look. Comparing a person to an inanimate object wasn't cool even in the 90's)
Often forgotten or purposedly ignored, the power of narratives.
The second article, by the same professor, dives again on the "masculinity" as a trait to make a sport "acceptable" in the western world
"So What's the Problem with Wussy Sports?"
And some things do really never, ever change
The dichotomy between masculinity (aka sport) and art.
Personally, I find little that screams more "fragile masculinity" as mainly mainly man that needs to show they are really mainly mainly man.
And to end my thread of quotes, let's make masculinity great again...
Anyway, I suggest you to read both articles. They offer for an interesting reading with several points worthy of discussion, and they really highlight how '90s or '20s, FS world and its narratives and the media and whole circus around it haven't really changed much.
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