....algorithms to not only find groups, but how they used those same algorithms to get forced recommendations. During reading of this article I also found where the @guardian also talks of the group promoting and being violent as well as being on a level that the @FBI ....
... wants them considered domestic terrorists. They have a made a movement against the #DeepState into a vigilante group building to take down the government. This is a puff piece that buffers @Facebook as a in biased social media platform that leads itself to open....
....free speech. Social media has targeted #QAnon as a hate group as they fear the exposure of the very criminals and politicians they support being exposed for who and what they are. #MSM tries to turn the #Truth into a fabricated conspiracy that lends itself to ...
...engulfing a #Patriotic following liked to a cult that is dangerous and teetering on the verge of violence.
#TheStorm not only is coming but #StormIsUponUs already and getting ready to show exactly what is hiding beneath the dirt, dust and mud .
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