
"You’ve also said violence is sometimes necessary in these situations. What exactly is it that you hope to achieve through violence?"
"This country is built upon violence. What was the American Revolution, what’s our diplomacy across the globe? We go in and we blow up countries and we replace their leaders with leaders who we like. So for any American to accuse us of being violent is extremely hypocritical."
So BLM is a revolution AND a state actor involved in geopolitics that benefit its own national security.

Nice to know.

Does that make you MORE or LESS likely to support BLM?
Newsome just DISPROVED all the claims that BLM violence is cause by outside agitators.

He just admitted that BLM is a violent, revolutionary movement that considers itself a NATION.

Thanks for the clarification, Hawk.
"I said If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation."
There's no such thing as "figuratively burning down the system."

And the point is, you are going to use violence to implement your national platform.

Let's review the BLM national platform:
1. No police forces nationwide.

2. Enforced investment in black communities.

3. Make white people second-class citizens.

4. Abolish incarceration FOR ALL CRIMES.

5. Reparations.
BLM also wants all history erased or modified.

This all sounds GREAT!

I'm sure everyone agrees.

Back to Hawk Newsome.
"Let’s be very real and let’s observe the history of the 1960s. When black people were rioting, we have their highest growth and wealth, in property ownership."
Because his statement is so poorly worded, it's impossible to understand.

Either he means that rioting blacks were rich and owned property, or the riots resulted in blacks becoming rich property owners.

Both statements are totally false. This guy's a buffoon.
I decided to use THESE graphs at random, because they all say the same thing.

We all agree that black communities AS A WHOLE do worse in nation trends, right?

The rioting of the 1960s CHANGED NOTHING...except it gave us the Great Society programs that recreated the plantations of the Democratic South.

That won't happen this time.

By November, the current rioting will be a forgotten.

Americans can't even remember three months ago.


Leftists are crippled by idées fixe.

Ideas that can't be changed.

Therefore they are recreating 2016.
"We are a country in terrible anguish right now. We are in pain."

I'm pissed off.

And I'm not a toddler waiting for the Great White Father to soothe the troubled waters of the country by talking about the hair on his legs.

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)

First, look at the far right of the graph.


Then a near-vertical recovery.
Look at the bottom of this chart.

IN ONE MONTH, the numbers are almost 100 percent reversed.
And AGAIN, I will remind you of what POLLSTERS said about how it's NOT POSSIBLE to actually predict how Trump will do:
1. They can't balance for how many voters will change their minds at the last second.

2. Most Trump supporters refuse to take part in polls.

3. People who've never voted before can't be polled because they don't appear on any list.
Ask @parscale how important these factors are.

Ask @JaredKushner.

(DON'T ask them. They're busy.)

Did you hear what Trump said to the audience at the Turning Point Action event in Phoenix?
He was walking past a TV set and stopped when he heard "defund and abolish."
“'Dems say 'defund and abolish.” I said, 'What? What are they going to defund and abolish?” I thought it was going to be something... They said, 'The police. I said, 'Oh, great. I just won the election. That’s great.'"
RIGHT NOW, reasonable black Americans are afraid.

Here's what they're thinking:

"Oh my God. @realDonaldTrump is now going to abandon us the way everybody does when idiots trash everything in our name."


You are FAMILY.
Trump is QUADRUPLING DOWN on helping disenfranchised communities.

He knows what Theodore Roosevelt--ANOTHER REPUBLICAN--knew.
"Our effort should be to secure to each man, whatever his color, equality of opportunity, equality of treatment before the law. As a people striving to shape our actions in accordance with the great law of righteousness we can not afford to take part in or be indifferent to..."
"...oppression or maltreatment of any man who, against crushing disadvantages, has by his own industry, energy, self-respect, and perseverance struggled upward to a position which would entitle him to the respect of his fellows, if only his skin were of a different hue."
From a speech Roosevelt gave to the New York City Republican Club on February 13, 1905.

Roosevelt was the first president to invite a black man to dinner at the White House.

Booker T. Washington, a former slave.
The dinner on the evening of October 16, 1901, caused a firestorm, because "dinner" in that era was code for "social equal."

Roosevelt was very deliberately saying that a former slave was equal to the president of the United States.
In response to the hysteria, Roosevelt issued an 11-word press release:

"I shall have him to dine as often as I please.”

And he made Washington a close personal advisor who appear with him in public.
Trump doesn't care if her's called a racist.

I have a stalker who knows I have severe mental illness caused by my ultra-violent childhood.

He tells me to kill myself, which is clearly a violation of @Twitter's terms of use.

After what I've been through, you think some little bitch on Twitter is going to bother me?

Tell me to kill myself all the time. Call me up and tell me to kill myself.

Send me birthday cards telling me to kill myself.

It's funny.
@Otter_land is a lucky little fella or gal or nonbinary entity.

For the Otter, life is fun and artificial.

This is you after three seconds inside my head, kid.
Play your little games, child.

Be thankful that you are so innocent.

And so is Black Lives Matter.

Innocent as in childlike.

They have no idea what they've unleashed.

But they'll learn in November.

So be happy warriors. POLITICALLY. Don't get stupid.
We've shown our power as a united people through a pandemic, a total economic shutdown, and the most politically suicidal national unrest of our history.

If you KEEP YOUR HEADS and give Trump the White House, the House, and the Senate, the REAL revolution takes place.
Trump has spent FOUR YEARS preparing the battlefield.

@GenFlynn told us that we can solve all of this IF WE VOTE.

He said nothing about any other measures.

So stay calm.

Keep your powder dry.

Trust the Trump.

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