No way I would’ve predicted I’d be here at 40. Imagine telling my 20-year old self:

“Here’s the thing, Dude. At 40, you’ll be homeless, jobless & newly married. But, hey, you’ll be in Mexico!
No, not at the beach, they’re closed due to a worldwide pandemic.

The world got weird after Kobe died. But I’m sure things will get back to normal between now & election time.”

20-year old me: “Oh yeah, it’s an election year. Who’s President?”
1. Keep a journal. Your mind will adjust memories to make them consistent with your current circumstances.

You’ll want to look back & see what you thought was a big deal, what you believed & predicted.

You can’t imagine the value of consistently writing (which is thinking).
2. You’re living through “A Golden Era of Self-Directed Learning.”

When I was your age, I had to buy all the sh*t you get free now.

Remember, the self-educated don’t need credentials or validation. They’re results-focused.
3. Don’t bother telling people what you plan to do—just do it.

Lil Wayne had it right: “Real G’s move in silence like lasagna.”
4. As fast as possible, work for someone who is in a lot of ways just like you.

One person who thinks you resemble a younger version of themselves can make your whole career.
5. You don’t need a leadership title to be a leader.

If you see potential in someone who doesn’t see it, offer to help them. That’s all it takes to be a leader.
6. They say don’t gamble with friends because it’s an easy way to lose friends. But some of my best memories are from gambling with friends.

I say it’s worth the gamble.
7. Figure out how to maximize your energy.

Pay attention to how you feel when you eat clean, exercise every day & sleep well.

Enough of those days added up makes all the difference in the world.
8. Pay attention to how your body reacts to people & ideas.

If muscles twitch or you feel energized, your body is telling you to take action.

Conversely, when something drains your energy even slightly, reconsider.

Don’t underestimate your body’s connection to the mind.
9. Your family will always encourage you to play it safe rather than take risks

The reason is they share your pain of losing more than they share in fruits of your success.

And the pain of losing is
felt 2.5x more than winning

Seek wise counsel, then draw your own conclusions
10. Life is single-player

& people are mostly self-interested. Yes, even those who most love you.

Biggest red-pill for a man is seeing how fast his 1st love moves on

All that you experience & how you experience it is a creation inside your own mind.

Take care of your mind.
11. Find your tribe

Start building & investing in those relationships.

That person you met a month ago, one day you’ll say you’ve known him for 15 years.

If you wouldn’t delay investing to miss out on compound interest, dont delay finding your tribe & building relationships.
12. Be just as excited for your tribe’s success as your own

Since you’ve surrounded yourself with studs, there’ll be lots of wins.
Great! You’ve multiplied your opportunities for joy.

It’s one of life’s little-known cheat codes (you’re not even required to share in the losses).
13. Words are powerful—none more powerful than “I love you”

Tell your tribe you love them.

Men have a harder time saying this than women do. That’s because when a man says “I love you,” what he means is “I would die for you.”

Go first. It doesn’t matter if they say it back.
14. Ask your tribe what they like about you. Their answers will surprise you. Then do more of that.
15. Crave criticism.

Consider it feedback or data to be considered.

Weigh it according to how much you respect the person criticizing you or your work.

Good litmus test: “Would I hire this person?” If not, ignore it.
16. True self-confidence is rare because its hard to attain & there are no shortcuts

a) When you encounter unexpected hardship, endure it without alcohol or drugs

b) You’ll develop an enthusiasm about yourself when you can force yourself to do things others arent willing to do
17. Our world is filled w people who:

a) are unaware
b) have no desire for truth
c) cant bear to hear the truth
d) in fact, the truth offends them

This aversion to uncomfortable thoughts & feelings means they will eventually accuse you of lying too.

Avoid them.
18. My generation, thanks to social media, is the first to see how arrogance & meanness ages people.

Spoiler: Men grow to be friendless & women disgruntled.
19. We’re all self-promoters now.

Do this humbly while aiming to serve others. Resist exaggerating your own importance.

Everything you cherish will eventually be destroyed—all things go to zero.
20. Life is better when you can be “fascinated” instead of “frustrated.”

When you’re stuck in traffic because of one slow car in the left lane, only to go around & realize everyone is late for work because of one person swiping Tinder on the freeway—that’s fascinating.
21. If a “friend” tells you they’re too busy, it means you’re not a priority.

If they don’t suggest another day & time, you’re REALLY not a priority.

Cut ’em loose.

You want people in your life who value you (and your time).
22. Don’t waste time debating politics with someone who doesn’t know both sides of the argument.

However, don’t be too inflexible. You’ll want to allow for exceptions if they don’t have access to Google.
23. Spend time in other cultures as soon as possible.

Not a small enclave in your own country i.e. Chinatown or Little Havana (although not a bad idea)

Actually leave the US & stay a while.

You need to know just how many of your beliefs & thought patterns are conditioning.
You can follow @Man_Overseas.
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