Multiple Orlando Pride Tweets: There is real talk right now about how players who previously tested positive have already now tested negative. More retests happening.
Perhaps only one true positive or already have become negative? Lots of chatter confirmed from multiple sources
Taylor Kornieck - I do not know her, but have had the pleasure of coaching against her (well not really pleasure because it was a hard week of film study to try to find ways to stop her). She has even been receiving death threats. That's just sick
Leave the kid alone. Seriously, how horrible a person do you have to be to treat her this way. I do not know every detail of everything Taylor has done in Orlando. What I can tell you is this - on the night that everyone is talking about there were up to 6 players out at a club
I do not know what Taylor did that night, but I do know the group of players that were known to be at a club, and Taylor is not one of them. I have held this information but have now been asked by multiple people to divulge it, to try to get crazy stans to lay off.
So if you are focusing your anger at Taylor, how about you chill and realize this has never been about one person making one mistake. And how about you don't now simply add multiple other people to your anger. And if your plan is to try to get after me to "prove something"
I will simply block you. Just not interested. Just like people who I had to block when I said Abi Kim literally was not in the city that night, yet people won't listen. I hope all the players can move on together to greatness and good health.
And what if everyone is negative or almost all the team are negative - hello Utah?
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