The sacrifice Jesus did for us changed everything.
But how did it change everything?

In this thread you will soon see that there is a legalistic view + a grace view on every topic in the Bible.
The Old Covenant put believers under the Law ‼️

We are now in New Covenant - we are under grace and by no means under the Law, in any way, shape OR form.

The Old Covenant is in the Old and New Testament - right up to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
After that, the New Covenant is established 🥰

Please note the Old Covenant IS obsolete. (discarded, discontinued)

“In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”
Hebrews 8:13 NKJV 🙏🏾
YOU are under a better covenant, with better promises. But what better promises are these?

Let's get into it by:

Showing the difference between Old/New with topics like God's presence, righteousness, forgiveness etc.

In the Old Covenant, we had to earn our own righteousness by keeping the Law (of Moses) perfectly. (Deut 6:25)

In the New Covenant, we are the righteousness of God in Christ through the belief in Christ Jesus. We don't establish righteousness through our works.

Old Covenant - Believers were separated from God. His Spirit would only dwell ON them.

New Covenant - Jesus broke down that wall of separation. We are now in UNION with Him. And because the Holy Spirit was a gift to us, our works can never take it away.

Old Covenant - To be forgiven, believers would either offer sacrifices, or they would have to forgive one another / repent to be forgiven.

New Covenant - Jesus Christ reconciled Himself to the whole world, making all forgiven. God does not count our sins against us.

Old Covenant - Believers had to keep the WHOLE LAW to be sanctified.

New Covenant - We are sanctified through the blood of Jesus - once and for all. You are instantly holy when you believe in Jesus Christ.

Old Covenant - Blessings would be provided unto you as long as you obeyed His commandments. And if you didn't obey, you were cursed.

New Covenant - We are now blessed with every heavenly blessings. We are now JOINT-heirs with Jesus. Not through obedience, but faith.

We are NOT saying that you should not be obedient. You are obedient in nature because God puts His laws on your heart AND your obedience naturally comes because you love Him - NOT because you want something from Him. Your sinful nature is cut away.

To understand more of the New Covenant, we recommend reading:

- Ephesians
- Hebrews
- Galatians

Watch this to get a deeper understanding of the New/Old Covenant @TheGPlatform
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