The government has circulated an 89-page document with industry with its proposals for the U.K.-EU border from 2021, seen by Bloomberg 2/
Curiously, there is just a blank page where there's supposed to be the process for roll-on, roll-off freight e.g. the ~10,000 trucks that go through Dover-Calais each day.

It's called the `pre-lodgement' model, where customs paperwork is filed electronically in advance 3/
In other words, 4 years on from the Brexit referendum, there is still no confirmed plan for how lorries can seamlessly cross between the U.K. and EU after the divorce 4/
The draft plan is also blank on how the border would work in the first six months to July 2021, when full import controls kick in, plus on Northern Ireland 5/
This is a draft document and the Cabinet Office says it continues to work on proposals with industry, with the full plan due to be published in mid-July.

“We are continuing to develop our systems in preparation for the end of the transition period” they said 6/
But industry is not impressed. The new regime will kick in for road freight travelling between GB and NI in just 5 months time, with a new IT system.

“The whole thing is just a shambles,” says @macswineyspeaks, co-chair of a gov-backed working group on EU transition 7/
The Port of Dover also wants to see movement.

“There is much work still to do,'' said Tim Reardon, head of EU Exit. “The next few weeks and months will be busy.” 8/
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